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King County Department of Assessments

Fair, Equitable, and Understandable Property Valuations

Department of Assessments
500 Fourth Avenue,
Suite ADM-AS-0708,
Seattle, WA 98104

Office Hours:
Mon - Fri
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

TEL: 206-296-7300
FAX: 206-296-5107
TTY: 206-296-7888

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eMap Search Instruction

Search by parcel number: 
Enter a 10-digit parcel number in the Parcel box, then click the Submit button.

Search by any of the combinations (quarter-section, section, township, range, levy code, city and/or date map created/modified):
You may search by any of these combinations. You can also select more than one item from the quarter-section, section, township, and range lists. To select more than one item, use a shift key or a Ctrl key on your keyboard and click an item in the list. For example, to look for maps in sections 1 and 2 in NE quarter-section, click NE from the Quarter-Section list. Then click 01 from the Section list and hold down the shift key and click 02 from the Section list. Then click Submit.

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