
King County has created this web application in the interest of simplifying personal property filing for the public in a convenient and easily accessible manner.  Before you use this application, please read the Disclaimer below.

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The King County Department of Assessments strives to provide the public with accurate business personal property account information. While the department has sought to provide current and correct information, it makes no warranties, representations or guarantees whatsoever; either expressed or implied, regarding the quality, content, completeness, accuracy or adequacy of information and data.

The department disclaims any liability associated with the use or misuse of this data. In accessing and/or relying on this data, the user fully assumes any and all associated risk. The department reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice.

Information on original records may differ from information in this application. Verification of information on source documents is recommended.

Information provided is not intended to be used or relied upon as an official statement of assessed value. By using this application, you assume all risks arising out of or associated with such use, including, but not limited to risks of damage to your hardware, software and data from any virus, software, file or other cause associated with access to this application. The department is not liable or responsible for any damages whatsoever arising from any cause relating to use of this application, including, but not limited to mistakes, omissions, deletions, errors, or defects in information the application provides or with any failure to receive or delay in receiving information.

The data is updated on a regular basis. If you believe that any of this information is incorrect, please contact us by phone: 206-296-5126 or via e-mail to personal.property@kingcounty.gov.

If you need help filing your listing:
      Email personal.property@kingcounty.gov  or
      Phone 206-296-5126

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