
eListing Instruction

Return to eListing Home Page

The following are the required steps in order to submit listings online.
  1. Register to Use eListing
  2. Login to eListing
  3. Add a Business Account(s) to your eListing Profile
  4. Update and Submit an eListing
  5. Account Users

Register to Use eListing

  1. On the eListing Home page, select "Click here to register for eListing".
  2. On the Register to eListing page, enter contact information in the "eListing Contact Information" section. All is required.
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Middle Initial
    • Address
    • City
    • State
    • zip
  3. Click "Next" to get to "eListing User Name and Password" section to enter the following information. All is required.
    • User Name
    • Password
    • Confirm Password
    • e-mail
    • Security Question
    • Security Answer.
  4. Click "Create User" to establish your elisting account.
  5. Click "Continue" to log into your new eListing account.

Login to eListing

Once your eListing account is setup, it can be accessed from the eListing Home Page.

  1. Select "Click here to log in to eListing".
  2. Enter the user name and password you provided.
  3. Click "Log In" to get to the Account Profile Page.

Add a Business Account(s) to your eListing Profile

The Account Profile page will show accounts you have access to.  The first time you log in, you will need to identify the account(s) you will be viewing and updating.  To do this:
  1. Click "Add Account Access" to get to the Add Account page.
  2. Enter your business's account number.
  3. Enter the access code.  This is initially provided on your paper listing form.
  4. Click "Submit".
  5. Click "Return to eListing User Account Profile Page" and click on the account number to view and update account information.

Update and Submit an eListing

  1. On the eListing Home Page, select " Click here to log into eListing".
  2. Click on the account number you wish to view. (See Add a Business Account(s) to your eListing Profile if no account number appears.)
  3. Account information is provided in the following groupings and now can be viewed and updated.


    Mailing Address/Contacts



    Owned Assets

    Leasehold/Tenant Improvements

    Leased Property

    Verify and Submit


General account information for the business is provided in this section. Please review and update this information to reflect any changes that need to be made. Also, provide any missing information. Indicate if you’ve sold your business, have gone out of business or moved to another county in the text fields provided. We’ll use this information to update your account for assessment and tax billing purposes. Once you’ve completed the Account section. Click “Next” to get to the Mailing Address/Contacts section of the eListing.

Note: Fields followed by an asterisk (*) are required and must be completed in order to continue to the next account information section.

Mailing Address/Contacts

The business's mailing and contact information is provided in this section.   A Valuation Notice showing the business's assessed value and the tax bill will be sent to this address.  Please update this information as may be needed.  Once this is done, click "Next" to get to the Exemptions section. 


The Head of Family Exemption and Farm Marchinery and Equipment Exemption qualifications are explained in this section.  Please indicate if you are applying for an exemption. 

If you are applying for the Farm Machinery and Equipment Exemption, you also will need to complete a Qualification Questionnaire.  The information you provide will be used to determine if an exemption can be granted.  Send the completed from to:

Department of Assessments
KSC - AS - 0708
201 S. Jackson St., Room 708
Seattle WA  98104
Once this is done, click "Next" to see Supplies information.


Supplies, materials and other expensed items are assessable and need to be reported in this section. Divide yearly cost of supplies by 12 and report that amount. Provide the cost of items which do not become ingredients or components of articles for sale. Examples are: office, shop, janitorial or medical supplies, brochures and promotional items, fuel, spare parts and expensed small tools. For research companies, this would include all raw materials and supplies used in your research.  When  finished, click "Next" to see Owned Assets information.

Note:  An amount must be entered in the "Monthly Average Supply Cost" box to continue to the next account information section.

Owned Assets

Owned business property previously reported is listed here. If this is the first time you’ve filed, no items will be listed until you add them. Assessment is made using Department of Revenue Personal and Industrial Property Valuation Guidelines and accompanying Supplemental Schedules. Click here to view this information.

To add an asset
  1. Click the "Category" drop-down list and select the one that best describes the asset.
  2. Enter year the asset was purchased in the "Year Acquired" field.
  3. Put cost of the asset in the "Original Cost" field.  Cost includes purchase price (less sales tax) and expenses incurred to make the asset operational e.g., installation, freight and engineering costs. Also include the value of any trade-in in the purchase cost. Round costs to the nearest dollar.
  4. Click the "Reason" drop-down list and select the one that applies.
  5. Click "Add New Owned Asset" to include item in the listing.
To revise an asset
  1. Click "Edit" next to the item to be changed.
  2. Enter current information in the appropriate boxes. 
  3. Click "Save" to make the change or "Cancel" to make no change.

To delete assets

  1. Check the delete checkbox for the row(s) to be deleted.
  2. Click the "Delete Selected Items" button.  
To enter or update specialty-type assets
Assessment of the following types of assets is done using quantity.
  • DVD Disks
  • Game Cartridges
  • Laser Disks
  • Video Tapes
When including these types of assets in your listing, enter the number for each asset type in the box provided. Also indicate "Year Acquired" and a "Reason"

Click "Next" to see Leasehold/Tenant Improvements information.

Leasehold/Tenant Improvements

This section lists leasehold/tenant improvements previously reported. Typically, these include improvements or additions made to leased property by or for a lessee/tenant. Common leasehold improvements include alterations to leased office or retail space and range from relatively short-lived trade fixtures and décor to entire buildings. If this is the first time you’ve filed, no items will be listed until you add them.

To add an asset
  1. Enter year the improvement was made in the "Year Acquired" field.
  2. Enter cost in the "Original Cost" field.
  3. Click the "Reason" drop-down list and select the one that applies.
  4. Click "Add New Leasehold/Tenant Improvement" to include item in the listing.
To revise an asset
  1. Click Editnext to the item to be changed.
  2. Enter current information in the appropriate boxes.
  3. Click Save to make the change or Cancel to make no change.

To delete assets

  1. Check the delete checkbox for the row(s) to be deleted.
  2. Click the "Delete Selected Items" button.  

Click "Next" to see Leased Property information.

Leased Property Section

This section contains information for assets that are leased, rented or on loan from others. Do not report leased vehicles for which excise tax has been paid. 

To add a leasing company
If this is the first time leased assets have been reported, leasing company information must be provided. Follow these steps to add a leasing company.
  1. Click Add/Revise Leasing Company.
  2. On the Add/Revise Leasing Company page, provide leasing company name and address in the fields provided.  All is required.
    • Company Name
    • Address
    • City
    • State
    • Zip
  3. Click "Submit Add/Revise" to include the leasing company in the Lessor drop-down list.
  4. Click the "Return to Personal Property Listing page" link to return to the Leased Property tab. 
To add an asset
  1. Click "Add/Revise Leasing Company" drop-down list and select the appropriate company. If company is not shown, complete steps above to add the leasing company.
  2. Enter lease ID in the "Lease ID" field.
  3. Enter decription in the "Description" field.
  4. Enter selling price in the "Selling Price" field.  Selling Price is the cost to lessee at start of lease, excluding sales tax, but including transportation and installation cost.
  5. Click "Add New Leased Property" to include item in the listing.


To revise assets
  1. Click "Edit" next to the item to be changed.
  2. Click "Save" to make the change or "Cancel" to make no change.


Click "Next" to Verify and Submit the listing.

Verify and Submit

Updated account information to be submitted for assessment processing appears here. All the changes made on the previous pages appear here. Check this information carefully. When satisfied that it is accurate:

  1. Check the checkbox located at the bottom of the page .
  2. Click "Submit".

These two steps must be completed to electronically file the listing.

To confirm that the listing has successfully been submitted, go to the Account page. Account status highlighted at the top of the screen will show

Account Number ########

Status: Taxpayer Filed Online        Date: date and time

Taxpayer submitted online filing on date and time

If the listing was not received, the status will remain as 

Account Number ########

Status: Listing ready for taxpayer to review        Date: date and time      

If the status appears after completing the last two steps, contact this office for assistance.

Phone: 206-296-5126
EMail:  personal.property@kingcounty.gov

Once the listing is submitted, you will not be able to access information on the various screens.  The status line will indicate when processing is done.   

Should you need to make changes to a listing that already has been submitted for processing, contact us at the phone or e-mail above.

Account Users

eListing allows you to designate who in your company may view and update an account. Businesses with multiple personal property accounts might use this feature to manage who prepares the listings for specific accounts. This option allows the account administrator to identify which staff may view account information and which have permission to update account data. Changes in permission levels and account assignments can be made quickly and easily.

Add New User

From eListing User Account Profile page click "Add New User" .

  1. Provide the following information:
    • User name
    • Password
    • Confirm Password
    • Security Question
    • Security Answer
  2. Click "Create User".
  3. Repeat these steps for each new user you want to add.

Update Users

Once account users are set up, they can be assigned to specific accounts and given permission to view and/or modify account information. Established users also can be removed from the listing or permissions changed.

To designate/change permissions

  1. From eListing User Account Profile page, click "Update Users".
  2. Click "Select" for the person to be assigned a view or modify permission. The user's name will appear on the screen.
  3. Click the "View Account Information" and/or "Modify Account Information" box for each account you want this person to be able to access.
  4. Click "Save Permission Changes".
  5. Repeat steps for each subsequent user.
To delete user(s) 
  1. From eListing User Account Profile page, click "Update Users".
  2. Check the “Delete” box for the person to be removed.
  3. Click “Delete Selected Users”.

If you need help filing your listing:
      Email personal.property@kingcounty.gov  or
      Phone 206-296-5126

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