2019 general election
Director of Elections
It is a privilege to serve as your Elections Director. Each day I work hard to fulfill my commitment to removing barriers to voting while ensuring accurate, transparent and secure elections.
Voting in King County has never been more convenient. During my first term we added 60 ballot drop boxes; now 95% of voters live within 3 miles of a secure, 24-hour voting location. We implemented prepaid postage, because you shouldn’t have to buy a stamp to vote, and added service in Spanish and Korean. We invested in culturally specific voter outreach through a first-in-the-country government/philanthropic partnership. We’ve opened five new vote centers across the county to support same day registration.
Voting in King County has also never been more secure. As Elections Director I brought in the Department of Homeland Security and State Auditor’s cyber security team to ensure our elections are protected. We’ve expanded our auditing practices and strengthened accountability. We implemented a new, state-of-the-art tabulation system that is not only more secure, but saving the county nearly $500,000 per year. Most recently, I spoke out about issues with the state’s new voter registration system because I believe that even one voter left behind is too many.
I’ve been a nonpartisan election administrator for 19 years, certified at the state and national level. At a time when elections are under threat, both from international interests leading us to question the integrity of our systems and domestically by those who would prevent rightful voters from having their voice heard, the 1.3 million voters of King County need and deserve an Elections Director with experience, integrity, and a commitment to making every vote count.
I am proud to be endorsed by elections colleagues statewide, bipartisan and nonpartisan elected officials, unions and community leaders representing the diversity of King County.
Unfortunately, there has been no shyness about politicizing King County Elections, recently, despite that mixing elections bureaucracy with activism is a political minefield. I'll return the office to independence and neutrality, as it should be, not a tool in the chest box of the "Constantine Machine." Being neutral means not being cozy with professional politicians or partisan organizations, which is why I don't ask for their endorsements.
I'll have a simple "electoral practices" section in public pamphlets rather than spending a million dollars of taxpayers' money for so-called Voters' Education, which is more or less a partisan program. I'll actually look for possible fraudulent or erroneous registrations (of a number of kind) rather than going by the present honor system.
You would think that the election for Director of Elections would be the sterling example for how elections should be operated. Think again. From the mainstream media stiff arming election coverage if they have settled on an outcome they want, to civic formats becoming suddenly "unavailable," and disdain or appropriation of the process by those most advantaged by these shenanigans.
My site has the full extent of qualifying information about me. There's also a list of the election department's malfunctions, where currently the director gets a yearly salary of a tad shy of $190,000 (I'll donate 10% every year to charities; send me some ideas).
I have a healthy distrust of vote tabulation machines, but they're in place, so I'll have hand counts of precincts & jurisdictions, broadly, randomly ... maybe, solely someday. With redistricting right around the corner, I'll be consulting with the Secretary of State's office, often, to ensure that the required changes are implemented & lawful.
I don't take voting orders from 20 folks at the Seattle Times and "The Stranger," I hope you don't either. Thanks!
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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