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Issaquah School District No. 411

Director District No. 2

Robin Poe

Robin Poe

10404 147TH AVE SE

RENTON, WA 98059

Education: B.S. Oregon State University
Occupation: Network Engineer

Education is essential for students to become productive, successful adults in a modern society.

With over 40 years of experience in technology (telecommunications and network engineering) I see the necessity of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education as a major part of the curriculum.

Current events have shown that effective communications skills, both writing and speaking, need to be fostered with an emphasis on coming to a rational and objective understanding.

With a B.S in Animal Science from Oregon State University I believe students should learn about the natural world around us, and how to use our natural resources in a sustainable manner. I believe we should respect the rights of the parents concerning the health and well-being of the student. Students should learn to uphold traditional American values based on natural law, as practiced by the Founding Fathers.

Marnie J. Maraldo

Marnie J. Maraldo

13904 SE 86TH ST


(425) 220-3389

Education: Bachelor's of Science in Applied Mathematics, Liberty University
Occupation: Independent Project Manager Consultant

“All” means “all” and that’s all “all” means.  I’ve repeated this phrase countless times during my time as an Issaquah School Board Member, wanting to ensure all students can access educational opportunities that will allow them to reach their full potential.  Never has this been more important!  The past school year has been full of obstacles to learning, creating larger disparities between students who have access to supports and those that don’t.  We know in-person learning is the best way for students to grow academically, socially, and emotionally.  I have worked relentlessly to return students to school buildings, while following all the guidance to assure the safety of students and staff.

Over the next few years, we will need to focus on recovery and restoration.  Students will need to recover from the academic and emotional loss of the past year and a half.  Staff will need to recover from constant changes in how to deliver teaching.  And the Board will need to restore the trust that students are at the heart of what we do.  This work will require experience and understanding how the school district operates.  I humbly ask for your vote to continue to serve you and students.

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