2019 general election
King County Water District 1
Commissioner Position 1
It has been my pleasure to serve as a King County Water District No.1 volunteer for the past 22 years. I am pleased that we improved your water quality, and overcame water shortages that occurred each Summer by connecting to Bellevue Utilities’ system in July 2005.
Bellevue’s higher system capacity provides District residents proper fire suppression capability. The sale our surplus well field property and storage tank sites, provided funding for installing larger water mains in our system, and has provided subsidy payments to all District residents for the past 14 years. District residents will continue to receive subsidy payments for the foreseeable future. When subsidy funds are eventually depleted King County Water District No. 1 will be dissolved, and your water costs will continue to be standard Bellevue Utility rates.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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