2019 general election
Bellevue School District 405
Director District 5
As your current Bellevue School Board Director, I am dedicated to improving opportunities for all students through high expectations for growth and learning in a positive, supportive, and safe environment.
My priorities are promoting high quality instruction, raising student well-being, and deepening family and community engagement, while addressing equity and opportunity gaps. This year, I advocated for better math supports, more counselors, and stronger family partnerships. I extended board outreach by visiting directly with students, teachers, and staff to understand their key issues.
As an involved parent of three Bellevue School District students with a range of needs, as well as a physician, researcher, and consultant, I blend empathy with an evidence-based approach. Combined with 25+ years of non-profit board service and national, state, and local committee work, I have the personal, professional, and policy experience to promote shared values, serve our students effectively, and maintain fiscal responsibility.
The community advocates and leaders who endorse me represent broad support from those working directly with our youth. They include school board members and Parent-Teacher-Student Association officers throughout our district, City councilmembers, and organizations promoting civil rights and education. Please see the list at Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
Jane Aras
13241 SE 43rd Pl
Bellevue, WA 98006
(206) 295-2511
We need a voice for all our children. We need policies that inspire and empower all students to excel and maintain high academic standards. We need programs that help curb the rise in mental health issues and support our students’ social and emotional needs. My extensive experience in education and health advocacy, data driven approach, and proven ability to collaborate with our diverse community makes me the right person to realize our district’s vision.
I have taught both special and general education, have been an active advocate for equity, and have seen firsthand the challenges students face – cultural assimilation, discrimination, bullying, and mental health issues. I have also worked with highly-capable students to keep them inspired both with and beyond their academics, with exceptional outcomes.
I understand the different dynamics at play in our community. Our diversity makes it imperative that we fully consider each student’s background, culture, race, religion, and learning style, while supporting their academic, social, and emotional needs. I will be the voice for all our children.
Endorsements: Lisa Wellman, Patty Kuderer, Claudia Balducci, Van Anderson, Chris Marks, Vandana Slatter, 41st and 48th Legislative-Districts Democrats, Women of Color in Politics, and other community members and organizations.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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