2019 general election
City of Mercer Island
Council Position 4
As a 20-year resident of Mercer Island, it is my honor to serve on the Council. In the coming two years I will continue to work to make our community even better. My highest priorities remain: 1. Strong support for law enforcement and public safety. 2. Balancing the budget with a fiscally conservative approach and efficient financial management. 3. Mobility and transportation issues for island residents.
I will press for efficiency in the way our city is run. I will continue to advocate for our community’s needs, as I did when I voted to maintain funding for school counselors and to protect our parks. I will work for the best solution to the bus intercept issue, advocating for the community we live in.
I am proud to be endorsed by local community members, including Deputy Mayor Salim Nice. I will listen and work hard for you - vote Lisa Anderl.
Patrick Allcorn
PO Box 960
Mercer Island, WA 98040
(253) 260-4379
We moved to Mercer Island in 2010, after I spent four summers performing Shakespeare at Luther Burbank Park. We came to Mercer Island for the small-town charm, the proximity to larger cities, a commitment to the arts, and stunning parks.
Now with our daughter entering first grade, we’ve added incredible public schools to the list of things we love about Mercer Island. We are truly blessed to be part of this community, and I want to give back by serving you as a City Councilmember who will prioritize child safety, a home for MICA, and smart regional partnerships that bring us into the future while maintaining the safety we value.
I’ve been endorsed by Congressman Adam Smith, State Senator Lisa Wellman, State Representatives Tana Senn and My-Linh Thai, Mercer Island School Board Director Tracy Drinkwater, Port Commissioner Peter Steinbrueck, and former Mercer Island Mayors Judy Clibborn and Elliott Newman.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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