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City of Covington

Council Position 2

Jennifer Harjehausen

Jennifer Harjehausen

27177 185th Ave SE, Ste 111-202

Covington, WA 98042

(253) 245-9525

Education: Degrees in Marine Biology and Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology with Honors
Occupation: Project Manager, City Councilmember

I have been a resident and community volunteer for over 15 years, was recognized as your City’s 2018 Citizen of the Year, and was unanimously appointed to City Council in April. Having witnessed the growing pains within our community, I will prioritize attention to government transparency, traffic and public safety, while fighting against the tax burden to Covington residents. I will never propose or support a B&O tax or RTA tax.


I have served on various committees for Kent School District, as Chair of the City’s Parks & Recreation Priority Advisory Committee, and on the City’s Arts Commission and the City's Planning Commission.  I have served in many leadership positions on the boards of local PTAs and other community non-profits.


As your Councilmember, I promise to work hard to provide you the community you desire and deserve. I ask for your vote. Endorsed by community leaders and your firefighters

Elizabeth Porter

Elizabeth Porter

325 Washington Ave S #165

Kent, WA 98032

(206) 852-9385

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Finance, Western Washington University
Occupation: Currently- Project Manager; Prior 25 years as a Retail Manager

Covington’s growth was allowed at unhealthy speed. If elected, I would prioritize spending to improve infrastructure and safety/police resources that supports this growth, without having to raise taxes. Attending two recent Annual Budget Workshops, I learned there is enough money for these critical priorities by reducing the annual amount set aside for an expensive $40 million Town Center.


Currently Vice-Chair in my third year on Covington’s Planning Commission, I’ve helped shape policy by representing citizen perspective and viewing issues from all sides. Before the commission, I spent a year helping fellow citizens voice their concerns and suggestions  to positively affect the city's Lakepoint Development Agreement signed in 2017.


Attending 62 city council meetings, I have and will advocate for habitat preservation, balanced growth, sensible spending, infrastructure and safety. I believe together we can keep Covington a great place to live. Let me put my critical experience to work for you.

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