2019 general election
City of Clyde Hill
Council Position 3
I currently served as a member of the City of Clyde Hills’ Council, Position 3. I was born and raised up in Clyde Hill, as was my father and my three children. As your City Council Member I will continue to use my experience and my long residence in Clyde Hill to focus on the challenges facing our great community. I will continue my focus on community safety, fiscal responsibility, and protecting our views as we remodel and replace homes in our area. I promise to always be open and available to listen to views, perspective and desires of our citizens. In summary as a passionate long time and long-time City of Clyde Hill resident, I would be honored and humbled to continue to represent you on the Clyde Hill City Council.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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