2019 general election
Tukwila Pool Metropolitan Park District
Commissioner Position 3
Since moving to Tukwila six years ago, I have noticed how close-knit the community is. I have run into various city officials at events, I have been able to go to and be heard at city council meetings, and I have taken part in programs for residents. It is the kind of community where its officials and citizens are seen and heard.
Our pool is one thing that brings our community together. I was on the swim team in high school and now my son adores the water. He loves going to the pool every week and always knows someone there. Whether it's a friend, a neighbor, or the pool staff, he always feels welcomed and has fun. That is what fosters a great community - welcoming staff and a safe place to have fun.
I am committed to ensuring that the pool stays welcoming and affordable for our community.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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