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Seattle School District No. 1

Director District No. 4

Vivian Song Maritz

Vivian Song Maritz

24 Roy Street # 308


(206) 245-0471

Education: Masters in Business Administration, Harvard Business School; B.A. Harvard University
Occupation: Parent, education advocacy volunteer, Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Council, finance professional

Public education transformed my life. That is why I want to be your next School Board Director. As a child of working class immigrants, I started school as an English as a Second Language student. It was a public school teacher who identified my hearing disability and got me the support I needed to fulfill my potential. My family takes great pride that I am the first woman in my family to graduate from college.  


Seattle Public Schools can do better. The talents and commitments of our teachers, principals, and staff are there. I see it every day as a mother of four current and future students, PTA president, and member of the Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Council. We must support them with a budget and board that reflect our values. We can simultaneously tackle equity, academic quality, and operational efficiency so that our students are thoroughly prepared for career, college, and community. 


I bring a diverse background and professional skills in finance and operations that are needed to better support our district. As Director, I commit to: (1) Establishing mental health as an essential service to reengage students who are falling behind, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. (2) Making tangible progress on inclusion. (3) Securing needed transportation and assistance for families. (4) Hiring a superintendent with a strong vision for our district’s future. (5) Diving into capital and operating budgets to ensure equity and spending accountability. (6) Strengthening community, city, county, and state alliances to improve funding, wrap-around services, and outcomes.


I’d be honored to have your vote.


Endorsements include: The Stranger, 36th & 43rd Democrats, National Women’s Political Caucus, OneAmerica Votes, State Senators Reuven Carlyle & Jamie Pedersen, KC Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles, former School Board Directors Betty Patu, Eden Mack, Sue Peters, Michael DeBelle, Rick Burke, Kay Smith-Blum;

Laura Marie Rivera

Laura Marie Rivera

PO BOX 94499


Education: M.S. in Education, Bank Street College of Education NY; B.A. UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
Occupation: Parent, Educator, Performing Arts, PTA school volunteer

I am running because I want transparency in policy and governance, engagement with communities, accessibility for students of all abilities, communication with parents & families, while prioritizing BIPOC voices. I will bring my lifetime of experience and values into making sure our schools are safe, accessible, fully and equitably staffed, for a quality public education for all Seattle students.

I will work to re-center our schools around students, and refocus on the core mission of academic achievement. Preparedness for college, career-based education for trades apprenticeships, and robust arts education give kids a lifetime of options and pride. Our schools anchor our neighborhoods and communities together for kids and families. They are not businesses for profit.

I chose a career in education and performance arts for 30 years, because I want to contribute and see children succeed. I have taught in multiple disciplines, such as Kindergarten, school programs at a municipal museum, and arts education for children and adults in the public and private sector. I have four children in our neighborhood schools.

I will strive to make learning accessible for children of all abilities. The systemic racial, cultural, and economic inequity in our schools must be addressed now. All services must be delivered equitably and effectively, 100% inclusive, and center on each child’s needs.  The COVID-19 crisis is still hard on kids and caretakers, and there must be transparency and contingency planning for how our schools reemerge from the pandemic.

My lifetime of working in and commitment to education will guide me to serve and set policy as your new school board Director. Endorsed by: Labor (Teamsters),11th LD Democrats, Seattle Times; board member Coe Elementary School PTA and Friends of Seattle's Olmsted Parks; coordinator of National PTA's Reflections Art Competition since 2016, and school volunteer.

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