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Proposed Public Hospital District No.5

Commissioner Position No. 3

Bill West

Bill West

13318 SW 261st Pl

Vashon, WA 98070

Education: Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in Fisheries, Juris Doctor, all from University of Washington
Occupation: Semiretired; consultant; school bus driver; CPR & First Aid instructor

It’s clear that Vashon must have dependable, accessible on-Island health care to remain a vibrant community. It’s equally clear that our existing health care systems are struggling, and that forming a Public Hospital District (PHD) is a powerful tool for designing and growing a robust, efficient, and cost-effective health care system focused on Island needs and resources.


The form and function of that new system will be shaped by the work of the initial PHD Commissioners. I want to serve our community in that role. While a layman in terms of health care, I feel that my life experiences including my fisheries and law careers have prepared me well for this task. I am experienced in public policy issues, research and analysis of complex problems, public service, balancing multiple competing interests, and making decisions and acting in the face of incomplete information. I will be grateful for your vote.

LeeAnn Brown

LeeAnn Brown

16619 Vashon Hwy SW

Vashon, WA 98070

(206) 567-4600


We are at the forefront of a movement to create our Vashon brand of healthcare for generations to come. We need to elect commissioners with a deep understanding of the diverse healthcare needs of this community.  I'm asking for your vote.


As an independent insurance broker, for the past 15 years I have worked with hundreds of our friends and neighbors to solve healthcare access and affordability issues through private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid.  Because I run a successful business here, I understand the duality of managing wants and needs with financial constraints, which is what this board will be faced with.


I've lived here for 20 years; my youngest son was raised here. I care deeply that our healthcare reflects our community values and physical constraints.  With your vote I will work tirelessly through collaboration and creativity to protect and improve Vashon Island healthcare.  Together we can do this!

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