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Public Hospital District 1

Commissioner Position 5

Carol Barber

Carol Barber

10216 SE 256th Ste 103 Box 496

Kent, WA 98030

Education: Renton High School; BA Central Washington; Masters, in Counseling Psychology Central Washington.
Occupation: Licensed marriage/family therapist and licensed mental health counselor in Kent.

I graduated from Renton High and have lived in Kent since 1981. My son graduated from Kentwood High School. I am running because Sleeter deceived and betrayed the voters who put their trust in her and elected her six years ago. Unlike Sleeter, I want to return control of Valley to the Commissioners You elect instead of Trustees appointed by UW Medicine.


When Sleeter ran she said she “Supports returning control of Valley Medical Center to the commissioners you elect”. She betrayed this promise many times. Sleeter cast the deciding Commission vote opposing a bill in the legislature to return control of Valley to the voters. She even voted to remove Doctor Paul Joos as Commission president because he supported the bill. Had Sleeter voted yes, the Commission would have supported the legislation. With the Commission’s support, it would have likely passed because of strong bipartisan support. Because Sleeter voted No, control of Valley was Not returned to You the voters.


When two Commissioners resigned, instead of replacing them with commissioners with similar views about returning control of Valley to the voters, Sleeter supported replacements who wanted control of Valley to remain with Trustees appointed by UW Medicine. During her campaign, Sleeter said she opposed $1 million plus salary for Valley’s CEO Rich Roodman. Roodman is still the CEO and is still paid over $1.1 million per year – twice as much as the head of the UW Hospital.


Sleeter voted to increase Valley’s debt by $50 million. You the voters now owe $50 million plus millions more in interest to be paid by more taxes!


As your commissioner I promise to fight to return control of Valley to the elected commissioners and Will Not Betray Your Trust as Sleeter did. I hope I can count on your vote! Thanks!

Tamara J. Sleeter

Tamara J. Sleeter

PO Box 58488

Renton, WA 98058

(206) 953-4210

Education: Bachelor of Science, Walla Walla University: MD Loma Linda University: Post-graduate OB/GYN St Louis U.
Occupation: Retired from the OB/GYN staff at Valley Medical Center (VMC).

For many years Valley Medical Center (VMC) has provided care for all comers in the Public Hospital District #1 regardless of their financial status. As the economy changed, VMC affiliated with, but did not merge, with the UW in a cooperative effort to maintain its mission. As a member of the hospital staff, I became involved with the future of the hospital and was elected to serve on the Board of Commissioners six years ago.


During my almost 30 years on the medical staff, I met and married my husband. Together we raised 2 sons here in Renton. We have watched the community grow with the hospital filling in the gaps in medical care offered to our constituents. We have increased the footprint of our campus and the number of outpatient clinics. The board has established a “rainy day” fund, paid off older bonds that carried a high interest rate, and issued new, lower rate bonds in their place. This has resulted in considerable savings and an improved credit rating to better serve you, the public.


As your commissioner I will continue to advocate for sound business practices while providing contemporary and compassionate care. I appreciate your vote.

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