2019 general election
Northshore Utility District
Commissioner Position 5
During my time as your water commissioner I have been dedicated to optimizing the service to our owners while maintaining the financial soundness of Northshore Utility District (NUD).
In the last two years we have received water and sewer cost increase from Seattle and King County, with the most recent equaling $525,000.00. In both cases we chose not to pass these costs on to you the owners. NUD consistently has the lowest or among the lowest water and sewer rates of other local agencies.
Some of our efficiency stems from the commissioners working together and providing experience and expertise. State law limits the compensation to commissioners, but I and some of my colleagues will donate time and additional effort as necessary to reduce charges from consultants and specialists. I appreciate your consideration of my candidacy and thank you for your support.
As a small business owner for over 43 years, I have dedicated my career to ensuring our water resources are managed responsibly. I have worked with many clients in Northshore serving their irrigation needs with an emphasis on water conservation and management.
Working with many utility districts in the area and running a small business affords me perspective to balance District needs with fiscal responsibility. I am a ratepayer like you and will work to ensure the quality of our water and sewer systems, while keeping rates as low as possible.
My wife and I have called Northshore home for over 37 years and care deeply about this community. It is time for a change. I will ensure that the NUD is managed transparently, ethically, and in the interest of the community. I am ready to work for you. I ask for your vote and thank you for your consideration.
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