2019 general election
King County Water District 90
Commissioner Position 2
I have been a resident of May Valley and Briarwood and have been a customer of Water District 90 for 56 years. Working with the Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council and the CARE group, who both promote Community engagement, has shown me many of the challenges that affect our community. I have been President of the FCUAC since 2010.
I retired from the State of Alaska Marine Highway after 31 years of service. There, I worked as Chief Engineer on the ferries transporting passengers and vehicles between Washington and Alaska. Besides operating ferries, I helped write and negotiate Labor contracts for the Union representing Engineers aboard those vessels and the State of Alaska. Contract negotiations gave me insight to the costs of providing public services.
As a commissioner, I will work to provide the highest level of service possible while controlling rates and keep the District engaged with its Customers.
My family and I have lived in King County Water District #90 for 16 years and every time we have turned the water on it has been clear, clean and safe. We need to ensure this water delivery system and safe supply for the future at affordable rates.
As Commissioner Position #2 I will make sure the district water sources remain safe, infrastructure remains in good working order, we have long term plans for infrastructure replacement, keep rates affordable and that we are prepared for future challenges.
My 38 years of experience in Business & Accounting, long range infrastructure planning, budget management and facilities management provide the knowledge and tools to represent my neighbors and all district customers in overseeing our Water District. Thank you for your vote.
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