2019 general election
Highline Water District
Commissioner Position 2
It is my privilege to serve as your Commissioner at the Highline Water District.
The District has worked hard to reduce costs and increase efficiencies. We have an aggressive plan in place to proactively upgrade infrastructure, security, and technology. Customer service, training, and safety practices are continuously monitored and improved.
Once again, the District received the top rating from the Washington State Auditor’s Office on our yearly Financial Statement and Accountability Audit. Today, the District is a modern, professional and efficient water provider, well positioned for the future. An active community member, I currently serve on the Board of the Rotary Club of Des Moines and Normandy Park and am a member of the Washington Association of Sewer and Water Districts. Committed to ensuring a clean, affordable, reliable and secure water system, I ask for your vote. Thank you.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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