2019 general election
Vashon Island Fire & Rescue
Commissioner Position 2
My husband and I have lived on the island for 13 years. During that time, I have come to know and love island life. I believe that my prior 6 years as a fire commissioner and my past experience in nursing have provided a background for the position.
Island residents approved a levy increase to support the fire district. One of my primary responsibilities is to see that services to the public are not only maintained but also improved.
Sharing of information between the Island residents and board commissioners and chiefs, will make it easier to plan not only for the present, but also forward to the future. As a commissioner I will welcome input from you to create the best services. I will work to make our fire district the best it can be. Working together we can make a difference. Therefore, I ask for your vote.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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