2019 general election
Enumclaw Fire Department
Commissioner Position 2
I kept my promises and then some! Here is what has been accomplished: We moved from a 3 to 5 member board. We are transparent and available to our public - to encourage taxpayer participation and over site, meetings are held at a reasonable time - missed meetings can be viewed on TV or streamed on computer.
Fiscally we are thoughtful and accountable to you, the taxpayer! While providing the best possible service to our citizens, we have stayed within our means. We now have capital, reserve, and general accounts.This has enabled the board to be intentional and responsibly project present and future need.
To improve call response we moved to Valley Communications for dispatch. We hired back firefighters who were laid off when I came into office. Our firefighters receive premier Blue Card training which is reciprocated in exceptional service to our community. wI'm working very hard for you!
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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