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Kent School District 415

Director District 2

Michele Greenwood Bettinger

Michele Greenwood Bettinger

PO Box 58022

Renton, WA 98058

Education: Highline College
Occupation: Self-employed, Formerly Human Resources Manager Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro

I am running for Kent School Board Director as a mother and an advocate who wants to enact positive change in the Kent School District to protect the education and rights of children; respect taxpayers, teachers and staff. Kids only get one chance to get a great public education.


I have had two children in the KSD. I’ve been volunteering in Kent schools since 2006 and began actively advocating in 2017 when I realized the Kent School District was in crisis. The nearly $7 million dollar deficit harmed children through destructive cuts to crucial staff, programs, classes and services.


Despite these challenges, I’ve been working for positive change by speaking to State officials; compiling public records; studying policies and law; attending meetings and speaking up when I had concerns. The Kent School District can rise from this crisis and again live their mission of “successfully preparing all students for their futures” when that statement leaves the page and is visible in every action and decision made by the leaders of the Kent School District. I’d be honored if you’d elect me to be one of those leaders. Endorsed by the Kent Education Association. Find more information at

David Canterbury

David Canterbury

19409 138th Ave SE

Renton, Wa 98058

(206) 948-0330

Education: Studied Biology at St. Martins University
Occupation: Letter shop worker, Bartender

The Kent School District is diverse with families from all across the world. If elected, my goal would be preparing all young Americans to be successful adults. Good Schools are opportunity. Ensuring schools are fully funded is important so the resources are available to help every child. Equally important is how resources are used. I believe in shifting spending. To make Kent Schools their best I want to expand programs that work and rethink programs that do not help students. Unwise spending is mismanaging student's futures. 


I am running for public office because I would love the opportunity to serve the community of grew up in.

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