2019 general election
Issaquah School District 411
Director District 5
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your School Director for the past 12 years. Ensuring that every student can achieve their full potential is at the forefront of everything we do. All students should be engaged in challenging and relevant learning opportunities to prepare them for college and careers. But the path to success will look different for each student.
At high school, we are expanding course offerings and have created an innovative learning environment at our newest competency-based school, increasing opportunities for academic exploration, acceleration, and remediation. Positive Behavior and Social-Emotional Learning Supports provide students with tools they need to be successful in every aspect of their adult lives. Cultural Competency training has helped staff make all students and families feel welcomed and valued in our schools.
Because of its ongoing emphasis on quality instruction, Issaquah continues to post among the highest student achievement and graduation rates in the state. I am proud of our district’s responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars (17 consecutive clean state audits) and management of its physical assets.
Endorsed by all legislators in the 5th and 41st Districts and awarded WSSDA Board of Distinction for ten consecutive years, I ask for your vote.
I am eager to help the district by bringing a skill set that is not currently represented to better the community. I am willing to face challenging problems with honesty, kindness, and researched solutions.
I was a child welfare social worker as well as a teacher at Schools for the Deaf and Blind. I have experience working in financial management and as a forensic accountant. I am a licensed private investigator and certified fraud examiner as well as a CEO. The most significant to me, I am a mother to six children (five have attended ISD) and have been a foster parent. I value all children and want them to reach their potential.
I am a mother and businesswoman who vows to facilitate positive changes because the status quo is not working for so many of our students.
ISD MUST: -Give all children the best education they can, not just to a lucky few. -Focus on the special education department and each child. -No more bonds and levies. -Create a complaint resolution team before formal mediation, and legal fees occur. -Set up a clear and concise racism education plan. To read the reasons why ISD must change, go to
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Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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