2019 general election
Auburn School District 408
Director District 4
My involvement with the Auburn School District began when my oldest daughter started kindergarten. I joined PTA to be involved with her new adventure. As I saw how parental involvement boosted not only my child's educational life but that of all students, I took on leadership positions with the PTA - local, council, and regional.
My connection with the district started as I was able to spend several days a week as a volunteer in the classroom and around the school. Getting to know the teachers and staff and learning more about the daily workings of the school district motivated me to keep involved. The Auburn School District provides our students with an excellent education. My goal for the School Board is to start there and continue to improve. Let's make sure we reach every student in our community.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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