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Tukwila School District 406

Director District 4

Edna Morris

Edna Morris

4412 S. 150th Street

Tukwila, Wa 98188

(206) 248-3362

Education: BA in Early Childhood Education, WSU; Masters, CWU
Occupation: Retired Educator

As educators, we are responsible for providing the best education possible for all of our students. The district should manage public funds effectively for fundamental educational purposes. All students deserve the necessary tools, curriculum and support in order to thrive. Our commitment to high expectations for student learning must guide our decisions. 


Having been in education for 42 years, I recognize the need for collaboration among the constituents in our very diverse community. I am passionate about education, our students and the people who work tirelessly with them and for them.  I will advocate for healthy changes and positive growth to provide a strong educational foundation so each and everyone of our students can reach their full potential. 

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