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City of Milton

Council Position No. 2

Susan J.F. Johnson

Susan J.F. Johnson

PO BOX 1194

MILTON, WA 98354

(253) 334-5088

Education: B.S., Public Administration, Indiana University, IN, 1978. M.Ed, Counseling, George Mason Unjversity, VA 1989.
Occupation: Milton Council 2015-Present. Retired, PLU, 2004-2017.

My voting positions are guided by research on an issue, legal ramifications, citizen comments, WA RCWs, and the Milton Municipal Code. In our current political climate, social media dialogue often skews information. I encourage citizens to contact the mayor/council members, attend council meetings, use the website and consider joining a city committee. 


Issues I pushed: stop semi-trucks on our city streets; speeding prevention mechanisms; no needle exchange programs in Milton; fiscal responsibility; and crime prevention/community watch groups. HWY 99 corridor is a nightmare. Our pressure on WSDOT to end the unsafe driving conditions resulting in deaths is essential for our citizens.


Milton has grown up and we must monitor influences from outside our area, so we can keep a small town feel that has served us so well.  Become part of the solution and get involved. I strive to serve you with the best intentions for the City of Milton.

Bruce White

Bruce White

805 7TH AVE

MILTON, WA 98354

(253) 517-3302

Education: BS Computer Science, Linfield College, McMinnville, OR.
Occupation: Computer and Database Programmer, Web Systems Development; eCommerce Business Owner.

Your government must work more effectively. Bruce White is independent, thoughtful, innovative, and as a Councilmember, will represent you with energy and integrity.


Growth: Bruce White will promote policies for cautious, intelligent management of growth. As we’ve seen, when growth outpaces infrastructure, livability declines. Our city’s growth and public spending capacity must be linked to each other, balanced and realistically limited.


Taxes: Bruce White is committed to fiscal responsibility. You already pay enough in taxes. He will represent you and be tough against special interests. Public Safety: Bruce White believes a community thrives when the citizens feel safe. He is therefore a very strong proponent of supporting our local law enforcement. " I’d be honored by your vote."

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