2019 general election
Federal Way School District 210
Director District 2
I am seeking your vote for Federal Way School Board Director Position 2. I am committed to working with students, parents, educators, and the community to provide a safe, quality education for all. Our youth deserve to graduate with the knowledge and practical life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century economy.
As a former FWPS parent myself, I know well the positive impact that committed, dedicated educators have on students. I attended Head Start as a child, and appreciate the importance of quality early learning programs. In my 20 years as a professor at Highline College, I have taught over 7,000 students and I have seen first-hand how much college readiness matters. Education in skilled trades is equally essential, and I will work to strengthen trade school partnerships and expand apprenticeship programs for our youth.
My prior social work experience showed me that quality education is the most powerful way to expand opportunity—and reduce inequality. I want to ensure that our diverse population flourishes and that all families feel welcome at FWPS.
Endorsed by State Sen. Claire Wilson, State Rep. Kristine Reeves, State Rep. Mike Pellicciotti, 30th District Democrats, Federal Way Education Association
Elizabeth Carlson
5202 S 298th Ct
Auburn, WA 98001
Hello, Top rated schools will raise home values in every community. As a real estate agent, I see this daily.
Value exists in the presence of strong schools. Everyone recognizes the value of quality, highly motivating educational experiences. Home buyers in WA looking to purchase a home in a good school district use www.greatschools.org as their litmus test.
For Federal Way Public Schools (FWPS) on greatschools.org you will find our schools score 1s, 2s, and 3s out of 10. Strong school districts in WA score 8s, 9s, and 10s!
US News and World Report statistics show that in FWPS only 26% of high school math students are proficient. Statistics show serious problems in our FWPS. BUT… It doesn’t have to be this way! A number of factors need immediate attention: I’d like to see the school board actively reaching out to the community eliciting parental and vocational support, as well as learning new, successful strategies from strong educational systems. Did you know that you can help keep our school board accountable by attending meetings on Tuesday evenings and asking for this to be done? Visit www.citizens4betterFWPS.org to learn real solutions to creating a truly strong school district. Join us!
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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