2019 general election
Town of Skykomish
Council Position 5
Served previously on our Town Council for four and half years. in 2012, I was asked to take the lead in working with WSDOT to improve the safety on Highway 2. With WSDOT, we received a $100,000 grant to study those requirements. The Town’s Comprehensive Plan was non compliant with the State’s statutes. I made several presentations to the council requesting the need to provide funding to develop the required Transportation Element to our Comp. Plan. Mission accomplished. At this time, I continue to be active in providing input to a new PSRC grant application to improve the safety on Highway 2 and 5th street. I fully support the Town's Vision in providing a Path to the Ballpark, develop Regulations for Short Term Rentals, and study an approach to Provide Affordable Housing.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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