2021 general election
City of Lake Forest Park
Council Position No. 5
Our city faces challenges that require council leadership with a diversity of knowledge and life experiences. To mitigate climate change, we must find ways that allow for growth without increasing our carbon footprint, and while preserving the environmental values we all share. We can create affordable housing in order to be an inclusive community, and one our children will still be able to call their home. Streets, sidewalks, and parks should be safe, accessible, and equitable. As a 17-year resident of LFP, I have volunteered in our Water District and schools, monitored the health of our streams with Streamkeepers, and helped bring climate awareness to our town. I’ve also worked to inform our community on current issues writing Shoreline Area News articles covering council meetings. I am passionate about representing the voice of our residents and will work hard to do so in council position 5. For more visit
Maddy Larson
2847 NE 178TH STREET
I’ve lived nearly 10 years in LFP. I value community service and have served the last three years as a LFP Planning Commissioner, currently as Chair. I’ve listened to the concerns of our citizens. I’ve collaborated with fellow commissioners, city council and staff to tackle significant issues including code revisions for the development of the Town Center and Sound Transit’s parking garage. I’m now leading the planning commission to increase the diversity of housing in LFP to meet the needs of our current citizens. I’m a leader in non-profit and education fields. And, I have significant experience leading projects benefiting our K-12 communities and working with state agencies and legislators, universities, businesses and granting agencies to advance shared goals for improving communities. I’d like to continue my efforts, as your Council Member, to ensure LFP remains a vibrant community focused on its sustainability and quality of life.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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