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City of Seattle

Council District 2

Tammy Morales

Tammy Morales

P.O. Box 20655

Seattle, WA 98102

(206) 396-1276

Education: Section not used by City of Seattle candidates
Occupation: Section not used by City of Seattle candidates

Seattle is at a crossroads this election. Will we allow corporate interests to dictate local government policy? Or will we shift power to the people and allow for democratization of wealth and power?


I’m a community organizer for Rainier Beach Action Coalition working to stop displacement. I’m also a mom with 2 kids in Seattle Public Schools. I’ve spent my career building healthy neighborhoods with greater food security, better housing, and stronger protections for working people, so families don’t have to struggle the way my family did.


I lead by joining with those most impacted to advance the goals of equity and shared prosperity.


Priorities I’ll fight for:


Investing in low-income schools: Provide wrap-around services like healthcare, homework help, after-school childcare, and parent engagement programs; expand the Seattle preschool program; support low- and moderate-income students transitioning to college or union apprenticeships.


Acknowledging the limitations of prison as a solution:  Instead, advance community solutions like fair sentencing, diversion, alternative sentencing, victim-service programs; and eliminate cash bail. Let’s take the bold step of transitioning to practices that support victims, heal communities, and allow for real rehabilitation.


Creating inexpensive places where we can live without fear of displacement: Let’s use city-owned surplus land to build affordable social housing for low income earners; housing first strategies to address chronic homelessness; invest in community priorities like building more childcare facilities, senior housing, accessible streets and sidewalks and a high-capacity, reliable, green public transit system.


Ending reliance on fossil fuels to meet our Climate Action Plan goals: That means investing in alternative modes of transportation and green building practices - we can’t call it an investment if it’s destroying the planet.


Inverting our regressive tax structure in order to invest in the infrastructure we all need to thrive. I’ll work to find the right mix of progressive revenue — like taxing the unearned income of wealthy investors or making our taxes on businesses more progressive. We can’t fund our growing city on the backs of low-income individuals. For Seattle to thrive we must ensure that wealthy corporations pay their fair share.


I ask for your vote so we can build power for the people of District 2.


Endorsements: Representative Pramila Jayapal; State Senator Rebecca Saldaña; City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda; Seattle Education Association; King County Democrats; 37th District Democrats; Sierra Club; UFCW 21; SEIU 1199NW; Alliance for Gun Responsibility; Asian Pacific Islander Americans for Civic Empowerment and more!

Mark Solomon

Mark Solomon

PO Box 9100

Seattle, WA 98109

(206) 679-1162

Education: Section not used by City of Seattle candidates
Occupation: Section not used by City of Seattle candidates

I was born and raised on Beacon Hill and I’ve experienced firsthand the changes in our district. Seattle’s growth has disproportionately and adversely impacted the residents of District 2. I’m running for Seattle City Council to ensure all the voices of this district are heard and that the City better addresses the needs and concerns of our residents.  I have the experience necessary to address our city’s biggest challenges on day one.


Protecting Our Community. For nearly 30 years, I’ve worked on public safety and quality of life issues impacting District 2 neighborhoods. Through my work and community involvement, I have a history of protecting the health of our community and working in partnership to achieve positive change.  I will allocate additional funding to community-based crime and violence prevention efforts, seek to increase police staffing by an additional 100 police officers by 2022, and promote effective community policing and relational policing programs.


Affordability and Housing. We must create affordable housing that adds to, rather than replaces, the current stock of naturally affordable units. I’ll enact legislation ensuring that affordable housing funds earned in District 2 are spent in District 2. I’ll strengthen the Multifamily Tax Exemption and homeownership assistance programs that keep families in their homes. I’ll introduce legislation that supports our small businesses through funding for commercial space development and tax credits to reduce small commercial space lease rates.


Leaving No One Behind. In a region as prosperous as ours, no one should live unsheltered. We must mitigate the impact of homelessness and also interrupt the cycle of homelessness before it begins. I will invest to expand diversion programs like rental and utility assistance, build additional housing units now, increase low-to-moderate barrier shelter capacity and expand effective case management to end the cycle of homelessness.


I’m proudly endorsed by: Labor organizations Professional and Technical Employees Local 17 and the Seattle Fire Fighters Union Local 27; Mayor Jenny Durkan; former Seattle Mayors Charley Royer and Norm Rice; former City Councilmembers Noland and Pageler; current State Representatives Pettigrew, Tarleton and Tomiko Santos; retired State Representative Dickerson and Senator Kline; and many community leaders. 


Addressing our city’s issues takes thoughtful, accessible, accountable and responsive leadership that will seek input, listen, collaborate and act in a timely manner to enact policies to make this city safe, equitable, inclusive and functioning.  I pledge to be that leader and ask for your vote November 5th.

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