2019 general election
City of Renton
Council Position 5
Eight years ago the voters honored me by allowing me to serve as your representative. My priorities are the same as they were when you elected me:
Public Safety: Support resources for our police and fire so they can keep our neighborhood safe. Growth: Plan for smart growth that protects the character of our neighborhoods while providing options for affordable housing. Support Services: Continue to provide first class services to our seniors, youth, and vulnerable populations.
Over the last four years I have been a voice for Renton regionally. I have chaired the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee and I have also worked with leaders in King County on finding a solution to the homelessness issue impacting our region. I am endorsed by Mayor Denis Law, King County Executive Dow Constantine, Renton Police and Renton Firefighters. I appreciate your vote!
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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