2019 general election
City of Renton
Council Position 3
Renton needs a Councilmember who will represent your priorities and put new ideas and thoughtful solutions into action. I have focused my career and community service on helping individuals and organizations establish and maintain financial stability and operational success, including nine years on the Renton Regional Community Foundation Board of Directors.
I will ensure we have the variety of housing options and employment opportunities we need, address homelessness and public safety, reduce traffic congestion and carbon emissions to ease commutes and protect our environment. Together we can celebrate our community and ensure Renton remains a great place to live, work, play, and learn for all of us. I’d be honored to earn your vote.
Endorsements: Renton Mayor Law; Renton Police Guild, Current and former Renton Councilmembers Persson, McIrvin, Prince, Witschi, Zwicker; King County Democrats; Sierra Club; 5th, 11th, 33rd, 37th and 41st District Democrats, Public Lands Commissioner Franz, and more!
It is time to bring a very genuine, pragmatic, and common-sense approach to societal challenges and opportunities. As Chairman of the Board for the Renton Chamber of Commerce for the past three years, I’ve become very optimistic about Renton’s future. However, it is important that we be proactive regarding the various challenges on the horizon.
My priority is to ensure that as Renton grows, we foster the kind of growth that positively impacts the individuals and families that live here. Good growth must provide convenient transit and affordable housing, create an environment that attracts quality businesses and high-paying jobs, focus on inclusion and opportunities for all Renton citizens, and maintain safety for all -- especially protecting seniors and other vulnerable populations.
I ask for your vote to be a voice that helps shape the future of Renton. Endorsements include Renton Councilmembers Randy Corman and Ruth Perez; Former Councilmember Marcie Palmer
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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