2019 general election
City of Redmond
Council Position 7
David Carson
16318 NE 50th Way
Redmond, WA 98052
(206) 484-8480
It has been my distinct privilege to serve the residents of Redmond on the City Council. With the Mayor and Council working together, much has been accomplished. Redmond’s key accomplishments in my tenure include: adding several important transportation connections, adding two recreational facilities in downtown and ensuring light rail system is built in its original timeline and function.
I am the candidate in this race who has demonstrated principle in putting the taxpayer first. At times I have opposed budget proposals I believed raised taxes needlessly. I will continue to demand prioritization so we continue to deliver the best services possible with your tax dollars.
My work with Redmond Kiwanis (helping children) and Havens Community Connections (assisting women to build a way out of domestic violence) which are organizations making real impacts in the community. I respectfully ask for your vote on August 6th for Redmond City Council Position 7.
Carlos Jimenez
7945 Gilman St
Redmond, WA 98052
(206) 712-3236
I am honored to serve our diverse community as Executive Director of Centro Cultural Mexicano in Redmond. I have used my experience as a past elected official and community leader to advocate for social, racial, and economic justice, as well as equity in education.
I will utilize vision and practical experience to address the issues of affordable housing and transportation through responsible policy-making. We value our green spaces; together we can pursue environmental protections to benefit future generations.
As a former member of the Executive Board of the Martin Luther King Jr. County Labor Council, I support a prevailing wage that will sustain a healthy economy. I value the trust of the community, and would be honored to be your voice at the decision-making table. Whether you are a lifelong resident or new to Redmond, I will listen to your concerns.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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