2019 general election
City of Normandy Park
Council Position 5
Michelle Sipes-Marvin
820 SW Normandy Ter
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(206) 200-6719
It's been an honor serving on Normandy Park City Council. As a mother of two young girls, when I look at them and their friends, my passion for our city is re-energized. I understand the importance and seriousness of each vote. Before any vote, I read Iocal message boards for citizen thoughts and concerns, listen closely to public comments at meetings, ask questions and study the material. I measure all of my decisions based on the facts, input from the citizens and research. I'll continue to stand for transparency. The future of our city is my priority, every vote I make is for my family, your family, our city and region. I'm on multiple School District, Regional and Council Committees working hard in our community for our City's interests. I ask for your vote so we may continue the positive advancement and preservation of our city. Integrity, Community, Experience.
Normandy Park deserves elected officials who listen to residents' comments and who care more about serving the community than altering it for their own agenda. I promise to listen to your concerns and factor them into my decisions. I will work within our current city structure for the community's interests.
As a former procurement and project manager, working with budget & time constraints, I learned successful outcomes depend upon listening to all sides, finding common ground and working together to achieve desired goals. I pledge to listen to you and to be transparent in council discussions.
Significant issues face our city: the levy/taxes; crime/safety; airport noise/pollution; zoning; roads/sidewalks; and building maintenance. Now is not the time to change our form of government. Now is the time to utilize our experienced City Manager & staff, support our police force and work together as citizens of our city. Please vote for me.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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