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City of Normandy Park

Council Position 1

Earnest Thompson

Earnest Thompson

625 SW 189th St.

Normandy Park, WA 98166

(206) 355-1077

Education: Bachelor’s Philosophy Political Science, UC Berkeley, RN,SCCC, MD, MU Warsaw, USAR 50th General Hospital
Occupation: Retired

Formerly Parks Commission chairman I coauthored the Metropolitan Parks District measure. M.P.D. has allowed us to provide children’s playground equipment, restore native plants, protect and upgrade facilities. I instituted chairperson rotation.


Currently Planning Commissioner, I again initiated rotating chairpersons position, focused on real transparency, protected the historic values of our community through rational, reasonable zoning regulations. I will NOT support buried hidden agendas ,whereby N.P.  residents will be taxed to support subsidized housing in N.P. 


I also represent N.P. on Seatac  Airport Round Table , (StART), the Aviation Noise and Federal Policy working subgroups. My medical background and being a cancer survivor myself , has led me to be deeply concerned about increased noise and jet air pollution, leading to increased cancer and respiratory disease rates locally. Surrounding cities have airport advisory committees- we don’t. Why? We need real transparency, no hidden agendas and new leadership. I need your vote!

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Dave Emert

20540 Marine View Drive SW

Normandy Park, WA 98166

(206) 592-2505


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