2019 general election
City of Newcastle
Council Position 3
I am the candidate who respects Newcastle’s 25-year history as an independent city. Experience counts; as an activist for change intent on reducing the massive scale of unlimited apartments allowed in our downtown, my 2010 appointment to Planning Commission and 2016 election to City Council contributed to a significant reduction in allowed apartment density. Continuing my campaign of change, I voted to stop renting and purchase our City Hall building as a community asset that eliminates our exposure to rising rent costs.
My campaign of change will continue with sound efforts to adopt a much needed and long overdue fiscal sustainability plan. One that respects our City’s frugal history and maintains our healthy “rainy day” funds while preserving the quality and character of Newcastle. With public safety as my top priority, your vote for me is a vote to preserve and protect our hidden jewel of a City.
Facebook: @allenfornewcastle
Newcastle has a financial crisis due to imprudent financial management. Six years ago, the State Auditor told the council to develop a long-term financial plan, but they did not.
My opponent, the current mayor, ignored the warnings. Instead, he voted to purchase a $7.2 million dollar building, without an appraisal, which decimated the city's $1.5 million emergency fund and increased debt by $4 million. He voted to pay consultants over $1 million to plan for almost $30 million dollars in unfunded improvements (downtown and Lake Boren). Apartment zoning changes increased traffic and police and fire costs.
Recently, the city hired a $48,000 financial consultant, who told them the obvious: they were in big trouble. This was avoidable. We need prudent leadership. My business and financial expertise can restore fiscal discipline. I appreciate your vote. Endorsements: Newcastle Councilmembers Gordon Bisset and Dave Mitchell and former Councilmembers Bill Erxleben and John Drescher.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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