2019 general election
City of Milton
Council Position 7
Thank you for the privilege and honor of serving as your Councilman since 2003. Thank you for your support in working to safeguard the vitality of our community’s future and prosperity while enhancing our small town atmosphere.I have worked for many progressive changes directed towards building a community that is regionally known as an outstanding place to live, conduct business, work, and enjoy life.I encouraged reorganization of the structure of our municipal government departments in order to provide you with sensible expansions and significant improvements in the services that our city government provides. This resulted in strengthening our Police Department’s effectiveness; fortifying our financial management; investing in sustainable public utilities, planning and development services and more.I will continue to correct our weaknesses, and build on our strengths to foster a positive economic environment with a firm and utmost respect for the residential values of our community.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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