2019 general election
City of Milton
Council Position 4
I have been honored to represent you on the Milton City Planning Commission and Council. As a passionate supporter of our city, I am running for Council to continue my efforts to protect and improve this beloved and unique City. Planning for the future of our town is critical. My first priority has always been public safety. I am devoted to making positive changes in our community without losing our town’s welcoming character and rich heritage. Experiences as a small business owner, Senior Society Board Member, Milton Police Foundation and Council Member have allowed me to gain knowledge, experience and understanding of the needs of our community. I listen well and am not afraid to roll up my sleeves and work hard for our community or those in need. I am a strong, proven advocate for all in the City I love!
I ask for your support and vote.
My experience and volunteer activity with the City of Milton prepares me to take on this challenge. I am confident I can make a positive impact and I will strive to represent you and the City of Milton’s interests and focus on the needs of our community.
With 30 years of management, military and law enforcement experience, I bring strong leadership traits to our City Council with the utmost integrity.
It is my priority to know the issues, be informed, and be prepared to make intelligent decisions about the future of Milton. I will ask tough questions and seek answers to ensure that the taxpaying citizens of our city get the services they are entitled. I pledge that I will follow through with all issues brought before me. I would be honored to represent you on City Council. Thank You.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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