2019 general election
City of Mercer Island
Council Position 7
A lifetime Islander, I’ve proudly served this innovative, caring community as Councilmember for 7 years. I ask for your support to continue building a bright future.
Through collaboration and positivity, I have led our council as we advanced smart public-private partnerships including Islander-dedicated parking and MICA’s new location at the Tully’s site. With business acumen, Thrift Shop revenues have grown helping fund MIYFS. I’ll continue partnering with the school district to ensure public safety includes our children’s well-being supported by school counselors. Our parks are a treasure; the renovation of Groveland Beach and turfing Island Crest Park are two recent improvements. Advocating for Islanders regionally, I chair the Eastside Transportation Partners and the SCA Caucus of the Growth Management Planning Council.
Endorsements: State Representative Senn, King County Councilmember Balducci, Councilmember Wong, School Boardmember Tracy Drinkwater, Former Mayor Clibborn, Joe Schocken, Jody Kris, Maggie Tai Tucker, Alliance for Gun Responsibility, more…
Jake Jacobson
4033 83rd Avenue S.E.
Mercer Island, WA 98040
(206) 280-5303
As a 30-year resident of Mercer Island, I’ve cherished living in a suburban neighborhood with amazing schools, marvelous parks, beaches and trails, and ready east/west access.
Over the past 40 years I have developed and applied my legal and business expertise to the negotiation and administration of countless contracts with government agencies and third-party vendors, to risk management, and human resources. I am ready to apply these skills to the governance of Mercer Island.
We face opportunities that require a steady hand and new leadership. I am committed to ensuring that we: consent to a bus intercept that works for Islanders; align projected revenues with actual costs to achieve a sustainable fiscal model; protect the integrity of single-family neighborhoods; preserve our parks, trails and beaches so they remain unique community attributes; prioritize the safety of all Island residents, especially children and seniors; and guarantee the Council listens and acts.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
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