2019 general election
City of Lake Forest Park
Council Position 4
Phillippa Kassover
18422 47th place NE
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155
(206) 245-8217
Twelve years ago, like many of you, we chose LFP as our home because of its unique natural beauty and community commitment to protecting a healthy ecosystem. I am seeking a second term to continue listening to and representing our community values and priorities on the city council and throughout the region.
I pledge to continue working diligently to keep LFP a wonderful, thriving, welcoming place with safer streets and highways, while also protecting our urban forest; enact measures to ensure right-sized, sensible and environmentally sensitive redevelopment of our Town Center; hold Sound Transit accountable to voters by being a fierce advocate for adequate and appropriate transit and commuter parking that benefits our residents; and, balance the urgent need for more affordable housing with our community character and essential environmental protections.
Endorsements: State Senator Frockt, State Representatives Pollet and Valdez, County Councilmembers Dembowski and Kohl-Wells, KC and 46th District Democrats.
Brett Newsham
2908 NE 178 Street
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155
(253) 954-6000
Seeking to serve in the best interest of our city. To preserve what makes Lake Forest Park uniquely green, abundant, and community centered while helping the city grow in constructive ways without eroding the integrity of our roots. To listen to the ideas or concerns of my fellow neighbors and be in a position to advocate their merit.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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