2019 general election
City of Kirkland
Council Position 6
Now is the time to plan for Kirkland’s future. As Kirkland Human Services Commissioner, Finn Hill Neighborhood Alliance Board Member, former Thoreau Elementary School PTA President and mom, I know first-hand the importance of making wise long-term choices. I will weigh the needs of neighborhoods and business, making careful and well-researched decisions about public safety, parks and transportation while maintaining a balanced budget and being accountable to you.
An experienced community volunteer, I bring fresh perspective and new solutions to issues of community safety, walkability and inclusion. My education, work and volunteer experience has prepared me to be a leader who will make thoughtful, informed decisions to benefit Kirkland for generations to come. I would be honored to represent you.
Endorsed by: Sierra Club, National Women's Political Caucus, Kirkland City Councilmember Dave Asher, Former Kirkland Mayors Amy Walen & Joan McBride, Representative Larry Springer, King County Council Chair Rod Dembowski
Jory Hamilton
PO Box 407
Kirkland, WA 98083
(425) 298-6028
I believe the majority of citizens feel unheard and unengaged by the city council. If I were to ask an average person in Kirkland when city council meetings are held, how to voice their input, or even who their mayor is, they wouldn’t know. This is clearly an issue in a democracy. My solution entails community members opting-in, if they so choose, to emails sent to a resident list as part of an efficient and accountable multi-platform system that requests their feedback.
I will also support our brave firefighters by encouraging the funding of Fire Station 27 to provide enhanced response times that further ensure public safety in response to our growing population density. I will aid our equally heroic police officers by assisting them to achieve their 39 strategic plan recommendations, including the “Target Zero” campaign targeting DUIs, and alternatives to incarceration.
I humbly ask for your vote.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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