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City of Kenmore

Council Position 3

Milton Curtis

Milton Curtis

6407 NE 202nd St

Kenmore, WA 98028

(425) 879-2759

Education: BA Chem, Univ WA; Doctor of Med, Univ of WA; Family Med Residency, Swedish Hosp.
Occupation: Retired Family Med Doctor. Owner of Dr Curtis Senior Care.

I have lived in Kenmore for 28 years and have been on the City Council 11 ½ of the 20 ½ years since Kenmore’s cityhood. In cooperation with our Council and staff, I have been privileged to help improve SR 522, build a City Hall, create a downtown with Town Square, focus on bike-ped safety, and improve city parks. $100 M in grant funds have minimized costs to citizen.


Growth is the biggest issue facing Kenmore. It affects density, housing costs, transportation, and downtown parking. Kenmore is expected to have 40,000 people by 2040. We need to focus the growth along SR 522 and protect our single-family neighborhoods.


I believe in visionary leadership balanced with the minimal amount of government to reach community-based goals. Every dollar we spend comes from our citizens, so we need to be accountable to the public. I support private property rights and healthy local businesses.

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