2019 general election
City of Issaquah
Council Position 4
Since being appointed in February it has been my privilege to serve on the Issaquah City Council and work hard for you, my neighbors. In this next term I will continue to dig deep and ask the tough questions.
My priorities include investing in quality of life transportation projects, working with neighboring towns to improve traffic flow, increasing the city’s partnership with the school district, championing fiscal responsibility in our decision making, and smart growth.
As a small business owner, working mom of 2, and 10-year resident of Issaquah I will bring this perspective to City Hall. Our family chose Issaquah as our home for the beautiful hillsides, safe neighborhoods, good schools, and diverse community. I want to know what' you value in the community. If you see me around Issaquah, please introduce yourself!
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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