2019 general election
City of Enumclaw
Council Position 4
Chance LaFleur
937 Myrtine St
Enumclaw, WA 98022
(253) 266-1302
It may seem strange at the age of 32, I have become the most senior member of the Enumclaw City Council. It is even stranger to me to think of all the life changes that have happened in that time. We lost a fellow council member and mentor of mine. I married the most amazing and beautiful woman. Mourned the loss of grandparents and my own father. And most recently, blessed with the birth of my son.
Why put this in a voters pamphlet? Folks, I am just one of your neighbors, stepping up to serve our community. I won't promise you the moon and stars, but will promise this. As long as I serve on your City Council, I will work hard to serve with honor and integrity. Thank you for the opportunity to do so these last eight years, and I only ask for your continued support.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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