2019 general election
City of Duvall
Council Position 2
Matthew Eyer
26523 Ne Bird St
Duvall, WA 98019
(425) 503-6835
I have 13 years experience working professionally in government and I have called Duvall home for the past 25 years. I graduated from Cedarcrest where I met my wonderful wife Sarah. After living in Seattle just long enough to appreciate Duvall, we returned in 2011 to raise our two kids.
Over the last two years I have represented Duvall citizens by advocating to improve accountability, hold down costs and questioning the status-quo. This effort has strengthened the Council and the voice of citizens. I successfully pushed to increase school impact fees paid by developers because growth should pay for growth. I also blocked a utility tax increase. I currently do not support new annexations because our community deserves to know the full impacts of old promises. If reelected I will continue to bring my experience and pragmatic approach to our government. I would be honored to have your vote again.
Calling Bingo at the elementary school, volunteering with Rotary, REF, Art Center, and Sno-Valley Comm Auctions, or even helping Sandy Duvall move and set up her giant stage. I love being part of this community. Whether Mallomars, or rural giraffe sightings, or laughing at a Tony Gill Facebook post, these are the things that make our community unique and beautiful. Duvall deserves a city council that respects and reflects our rural country charm.
I will collaborate for sustainable and measured urban growth while respecting our common vision for community and respecting property rights of individuals; Sanity in the budgeting process with specific thought going to the cost of maintenance and projected cost of replacement; Identification of upcoming needs such as liquidating unused or underutilized properties and building a true City Hall; and a strong and meaningful relationship between city government and community organizations to leverage maximum benefit for our neighbors.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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