2019 general election
City of Covington
Council Position 3
Jared Koukal
15012 se 253rd pl
Covington, wa 98042
(206) 854-4399
After serving our country for 6 years, I know what it takes to protect and serve our families. That is exactly what I want to do here in Covington. As Co-Chair for the Covington Economics Development Commission I have been fighting to keep our downtown core a healthy and sustainable economic resource for the residents. As a Chamber member and Community volunteer I am with you, when you say you want better roads, safer streets, and transparency. With my results driven characteristic, I will make sure we don't have to wait multiple terms to achieve these common goals. As a father, I want to make sure our kids are taken care of first. I am proud to be endorsed by our Mayor Jeff Wagner and other Council-members. Together we will continue to grow towards greatness. I look forward to having your vote, and representing our important ideas on City Council.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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