2019 general election
City of Clyde Hill
Council Position 2
Serving on the Clyde Hill City Council has been an honor and a privilege.
The City is strong financially, with substantial reserves and excellent infrastructure. During my current term, I led the traffic sub-committee which has successfully addressed cut-through traffic by adopting low-cost effective measures to slow people down and discourage commuters from traveling through the city. We have placed parking restrictions so as to eliminate “park & ride” on city streets and make access safer for residents.
Regional growth will continue to be a significant challenge to the mission of maintaining the quality of life in Clyde Hill and the Points communities. I will continue to advocate for public safety as well as sound fiscally management. Clyde Hill’s government is transition due to well-earned retirements of the City Manager, Treasurer and Police Chief. I look forward to continuing to serve our community working with the Council and new Mayor.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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