2019 general election
City of Carnation
Council Position 3
Tim Harris
33085 NE 42nd Pl
Carnation, WA 98014
(360) 348-6348
Carnation’s vision statement says “Carnation is a friendly and safe family-oriented community where a vibrant small town benefits from the natural beauty, heritage and recreational opportunities of the Snoqualmie Valley.” While I’m not opposed to growth, I believe cramming as many houses possible onto every parcel of land is incompatible with this vision.
I believe in using data to make decisions, being realistic about the County and State’s infrastructure plans, and keeping Carnation’s citizens and lifestyle at the center of every decision we make. I believe in accountability, being transparent and proactive in communication, and looking for citizen benefit or hidden costs before voting on issues. I don’t believe in chasing every short-term dollar at the expense of our town’s character. Growth must pay for itself.
Carnation’s comprehensive plan will be updated in 2023. I will work to make sure it puts our citizens, and our city’s character first.
Tracey Yeager Blackburn
4375 325th Avenue NE
Carnation, WA 98014
(630) 363-9963
I am an 11-year resident of Carnation and have fallen in love with its welcoming, small-town character, active citizens and thoughtful approach to growth. I served Carnation as a member of the Planning Board for three years and want to continue to help shape what is best for this city, its future and most importantly, its sustainability. I believe in approaching this through a fair and balanced government which means the representation of all residents – whether they just moved in or have lived here for 50 years with three generations in tow. As your City Council representative, I will leverage my strong, positive relationships with city employees, City Council and Planning Board, County and State Representatives, and members of the community to evaluate information and form solutions that meet the needs of building a vibrant, sustainable city for today, and in the years to come. Details at
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Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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