2019 general election
City of Burien
Council Position 6
Sofia Aragon
P.O. Box 48004
Burien, WA 98148
(206) 778-2891
Burien is a great place to raise families and I want to keep it that way. As a nurse, I’ll work for a healthy, affordable, inclusive, and safe Burien. I’ll work to increase housing near transit, develop mixed use projects downtown and adequately fund human services. To reduce homelessness, I will work with regional partners, ensure fair housing laws and improve mental health and drug treatment. I’ll fight for living wage jobs, public safety, reduce barriers for small businesses to improve economic opportunities for all. Endorsed: IAM 751, UFCW 21, Local Laborers 242, SEIU 1199NW, Teamsters 117 & 763, Highline Education Association, National Women's Political Caucus WA, Alliance for Gun Responsibility, OneAmerica Votes, 33RD & 34TH Democrats, Burien Mayor Jimmy Matta, Former Burien Mayor Brian Bennett, Councilmember Nancy Tosta, former Councilmember Stephen Lamphear, Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon and more. I look forward to being your advocate on the Burien City Council.
Debi Wagner
P O Box 238
Seahurst, WA 98062
(206) 241-1553
Burien needs to get back on track! With the right leadership, Burien has the potential to be a safe, dynamic city. I’m the candidate with the experience and knowledge to provide that leadership.
My goals include: Increased, focused anti-gang policing; Policing for actual reduced crime for residents-increased Neighborhood Block-Watches; Open, transparent, fiscally responsible government -I listen to residents and businesses; No new flight paths through Burien-Support of Quiet Skies; Protection, support of small businesses; High quality economic development; Protection of the character of single-family neighborhoods by Comprehensive Planning; Successful Housing First models to address homelessness, no tent or shack camps. I volunteer with Transform Burien and understand homelessness issues; Supportive health and welfare protections for residents No heroin injections sites- (SIS); Increased youth recreational, mentorship and educational opportunities; like Youth Police Explorers
My husband and I raised our children here. I’m passionate about Burien. I would appreciate your vote.
Contact Elections
Email: elections@kingcounty.gov
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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