2019 general election
City of Bothell
Council Position 4
I am the budget focused person every council and committee needs. I have volunteered behind the scenes the last couple of years. It is time to step up my political involvement as a member of the city council. Bothell is a well run city that so far has avoided the challenges that effect nearby cities. I will continue to work to maintain adequate Police and Fire services, as well as programs like “Safe Streets and Sidewalks” that continually keep our road in shape and provided the personal that plowed our streets during Snowmageddon.
Working with the Eastside Transportation Association, I take a regional approach to improving the daily commute. I have learned that sometimes a utopian ideal sounds great in a board meeting, however when applied, personal choice alters the results and a new plan must be adapted. This willingness to adjust to new information demonstrates my focus on service.
It’s been an honor serving you on council the past four years. Together we have strengthened our police and fire services, made our roads and sidewalks safer, and preserved open space.
Because we need trust, transparency and accessibility in our leaders, I pledge to continue working with City council and staff in a positive manner, holding open office hours and quarterly council conversations.
I am proud to have listened to the community while representing Bothell on many local and regional committees over the past four years: transportation, law and justice, equity and inclusion, seniors and human services, flood control, parks, SCA public issues, and King County regional policy. I will continue to work on behalf of our community, ensuring we are represented and our voice is heard on issues affecting us. Thank you for voting. Endorsements: Current and past city council members, mayors, state legislators and county council members.
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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