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City of Bellevue

Council Position 3

Jeremy Barksdale

Jeremy Barksdale

11900 NE 1st St #300

Bellevue, WA 98006

(425) 405-5612

Education: Ph.D. Computer Science and MPA, Virginia Tech; B.A. NC A&T State University
Occupation: Chair, Bellevue Planning Commission; User Experience Researcher, Unity

I’ve been in love with Bellevue since I moved here. With light rail’s arrival, our city is going to experience greater growth and change. Bellevue needs leaders who have the vision to guide our city through this exciting period. I want to be a part of the next generation leading us into the future.


I believe my background on the Planning Commission, non-profit boards, and my expertise helping companies understand customers would be a strong asset on the Bellevue City Council.


I have no doubt that Bellevue will continue to be a leader in the region, in the state, and in the world. We have some of the most talented people at the most innovative companies and neighbors who care deeply and passionately about this community.


I’ll listen, ask tough questions, get the best data, and then lead. My priorities are keeping Bellevue affordable, engaging neighborhoods, and modernizing city government. Let’s make the new change coming work for us and strengthen the character and qualities of this great city. Endorsed: Bellevue Firefighters, The Seattle Times, Sierra Club, 41st/48th Democrats, Claudia Balducci, Lynne Robinson, Patty Kuderer, My-Linh Thai, Vandana Slatter, John Stokes, and more.. I’d be honored to earn your vote.

Stephanie Walter

Stephanie Walter

PO Box 1634

Bellevue, WA 98009

(425) 650-1022

Education: B.A. (Finance and Economics), University of Puget Sound; Accounting Emphasis, Seattle University; Bellevue Essentials Graduate
Occupation: Finance Professional, Overlake Hospital; East Bellevue Community Councilmember (Vice Chair)

Bellevue’s rapid growth creates opportunities for shaping Bellevue into a compassionate, inclusive city. As a long-time public official and community volunteer, I will be an accessible, caring and effective voice for our diverse communities. My priorities include keeping our neighborhoods strong, protecting our parks and trails, providing excellent public safety, and investing in neighborhood transportation projects to improve safety.


As a boardmember of Eastside Baby Corner, I’ve helped care for some of Bellevue’s most vulnerable families. I’m committed to bringing compassionate leadership to City Hall. As a mother and active neighborhood leader, I’ve worked to build strong and safe neighborhoods where kids and families thrive. As Planning Commission Chair, I helped guide our City’s future in balancing the rapid growth with amenities, like affordable housing, that make Bellevue safe and livable. As Vice Chair of the East Bellevue Community Council, I worked to maintain beautiful and healthy neighborhoods.


My record of experienced leadership mean that I can hit the ground running and be an effective Councilmember. That is why I’ve been endorsed by many of our neighborhood and community leaders, including City Councilmembers Jennifer Robertson, Conrad Lee, the Affordable Housing Council, and more.


I’d be honored to have your vote.

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