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City of Auburn

Council Position 7

Robert O. (Bob) Baggett

Robert O. (Bob) Baggett

3611 I STREET NE #405

AUBURN, WA 98002

(206) 992-4464


Education: University of San Francisco, CA, Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Organizational Behavior
Occupation: Auburn City Councilmember, Position 7

I am seeking re-election to the Auburn City Council, because I want to continue to serve the citizens of Auburn.  My 45-year career with The Boeing Company in union and management positions, prior service with the Auburn Planning Commission, and as an active volunteer and leader in the Auburn community, have prepared me to meet the continuing challenges as your Council representative.  We must be prepared to meet future growth with efficient and effective planning tempered with sound fiscal responsibility.  During my first term as Council member and your Deputy Mayor, I supported a transparent government that listens to our residents.  Our population has grown to more than 82,000 residents,and I shared in the excitement of our new Community and Event Center; new hotels to support our growing tourism; and I continue to look forward to our city's expansion thereby creating new businesses and prosperity for future generations to come.

Vera Orlandic-Hodak

Vera Orlandic-Hodak

1402 Lake Tapps Pkwy SE STE. F104/344

Auburn, WA 98092

(253) 304-7787

Education: Master Business Management and Leadership, Master Certificate Project Management, Master Black Belt Six sigma
Occupation: Project Manager at the Boeing Company

Vera is a project manager at Boeing Auburn. She legally emigrated to the U.S. from the former Yugoslavia, where she owned a construction supply company. To raise her son, Vera started at menial jobs and understands hard work and the value of a job. At Boeing four- time Diversity Change Award winner and leader of Veterans Day Recognition Events.


She’ll improve Public Safety in our neighborhoods, parks or just going to the store. She’ll Improve our roads, infrastructure and connectivity for travel and business. Because of Vera’s years of business experience, she understands staying within budgets and the burden additional taxes puts on citizens and small businesses alike. She’ll streamline city processes and fees to attract the businesses we want in Auburn.


Vera promises to listen to the needs of our citizens and business for a better future, and a better Auburn for us all. Please Vote Vera for Council

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